Clear Space to Clear the Mind

  • Have you been feeling tired, drained, energetically low, and stagnant?

  • Is life not moving forward the way you would like it to?

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed?

  • Do you have endless unfinished projects?

Create Space for Abundance to flow!

It is inevitable, as time goes on, things accumulate and space fills up. We are bombarded with constant input by emails, social invitations, advertisements to the point where it is overwhelming and exhausting. We end up with an accumulation of things that require management in order to prevent more from piling up. Clutter is an accumulation of energy. Clutter can take many forms from mental, physical, emotional, to spiritual. It can show up in many ways and begin to take a toll on our health and wellbeing. Studies have shown that 54% of Americans say that they feel overwhelmed with the clutter filling up their homes.

Some of the ways clutter can show up...

  • Neglected plants, yards, basements, extra rooms, attics, storage
  • Living/work space accumulation
  • Toxic/unhealthy relationships
  • Unresolved past trauma
  • Stored resentment
  • Unprocessed grief
  • Unfinished projects
  • Food habits
  • Weight gain
  • Bad habits
  • Broken items
  • Unpaid debts
  • Full calendars

Clutter is anything that has accumulated and does not serve your well-being, distracts you away from taking the best care of yourself, and blocks you from living an abundant satisfying life.

Clutter has an energetic signature that can disturb all areas of life from health, to abundance, to relationship and career satisfaction. Studies show that clutter can alter the ability to think clearly, to get things done, and can shift the way you perceive your home, what you choose to feed yourself, and lead to an overall feeling of dissatisfaction in life. It makes us feel full and takes up physical space. When a space is full, when we feel full, there is no more room for anything to move or come in. As things start to accumulate, the energy stagnates, becomes blocked, dams up. In essence, there becomes a traffic jam. Over time it starts to feel heavy and can affect our health and wellbeing. In a traffic jam, imagine if everyone just got out and walked away from their cars and left them there indefinitely. It’s a silly example, but even though a person is no longer physically present in the traffic jam, likely they are thinking consciously or not, about the car they left behind. 

You do not need to struggle any longer!

Remember the old adage, “Life is an echo. We get back what we send out.” So, if you have been feeling tired, stagnant, heavy, and a sense of overwhelm, then it is time to undam the waters and clear away the stagnant energy. Imagine feeling light, clear, focused, and being able to attract the abundance, fulfilling relationships, lifestyle, and career you seek in your life. Imagine walking into a bright, clean, clutter free, and organized home that invokes a peaceful calm sense of happiness and satisfaction. Your home is your personal sacred space that serves as a retreat from the outside world. Just like the old adage, our internal space mirrors our external space. 

Some of the key benefits of decluttering are:

  • Having more confidence
  • Better focus
  • Higher self esteem
  • Better relationships
  • Healthier self-care practices
  • Lower risk of asthma, allergies, and other health problems
  • Improved lifestyle and wellbeing
  • Less overall stress

Kristin's Testimonial

"I would highly recommend Sequoia to anyone who may have some dreams or goals or who may be struggling with some internal or external conflict in which they may need helping sorting out. One of my goals was to declutter, release and minimize the amount the stuff I have accumulated in my life. Sequoia supported and guided me through decluttering many spaces in my home. The amount of confidence gained and progress I made was not possible without the wisdom, help and support of Sequoia. I am so grateful for the opportunity and the courage to take a chance and try something new and to be vulnerable enough to trust Sequoia. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made."

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

Coaching Sessions are non refundable. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, discuss what is not working with Sequoia to discover what the potential block is. Coaching is a team effort and requires participation, a willingness to change, and determination to do the work. Sometimes you will be challenged to work past limiting beliefs, fears, obstacles, and this can feel frustrating and bring up feelings of unhappiness. Sequoia is committed to your growth. If you are unhappy or struggling, let her know what you are struggling with and she will listen and together you can find a pathway through the challenge.

What can I expect from a coaching call?

Sequoia's sessions include traditional coaching techniques or powerful questioning and deep listening and can also include intuitive consultation, energy clearings, light code activations, light language, creative practices, meditation, shamanic journeying, oracle readings, fire ceremonies, sound healing, movement practices to help facilitate a perspective shift,

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Are my sessions private?

Yes. Sequoia creates and holds sacred space for you to express and share. It is important to be in a comfortable, private space where you can speak freely during the session.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase again.

What happens if I need to reschedule?

If you notify Sequoia 24 hours in advance that you need to reschedule and she has available times, your request will be accommodated. Rescheduled sessions need to be within the same calendar week.

What happens if I am late to my session?

Sessions start at the scheduled start time and end 60 minutes later. If you are late, your session will still begin as scheduled and end at the original start time. Your session length will be reduced by the number of minutes you are late. If you are 10 minutes late, your session will be considered a missed session. There are no refunds or make up sessions for missed sessions.